Thursday, May 30, 2019

SAINT JOHN BOSCO Essay -- essays research papers

can Bosco was born on August 16, 1815, to a poorfarming family in Becchi, a handsome suburb of Turin,Italy. The child grew to be the Beloved Apostle ofYouth. One of John Boscos earliest recollectionsoccurred at age two. He remembers his mother tellinghim upon his sires death , You squander no fathernow. Although he stated that he could not rememberwhat his father was like , his death mustiness have had aprofound effect on him and perhaps sparked his desireto help troubled boys, many of whom were fatherless. I cannot say that I have suffered the dismission of a closefamily member and can only imagine the effect it couldhave on my life. From the time he was a young child, John Bosco seemedto have a clear understanding of Gods ways and whathe didnt understand was often made clear to him byhis mother milliampere Margaret. She seemed to know, evenat an early age, that her son was destined to do goodin the name of God. She taught him by example from anearly age and continued to nu triment him and exclusively hisgood works throughout his life. She eventually joinedhim at he Oratory and became Mother to hundreds ofboys. Her positive influence was felt by all of thoseboys. It was almost as if the Blessed Mother workedthrough her good example and words of wisdom. Mama Margaret warned her son to beware of bad boysyou may meet on your journey through life. and askedhim one day, Why do you go with such bad boys? How many mothers have echoed similar words? Howconfident John Bosco was in the power of his goodexample when he replied, If I am with them they arebetter and do not say bad words. Wouldnt this worldbe a better place if we all had such confidence andfaith in the power our own good example. As a young child, John Bosco had the ability toattract young boys. He went out of his way to studytraveling show folk to learn acrobatic and manual dexterityof hand tricks to entertain the boys who would gatheraround him. After a performance he would discuss asermon from a recent Mass or lead the group in a hymn.If people started to leave he would tell them thatthey couldnt come back and see more tricks unlessthey stayed for the sermon. Of course they remained. At age nine John had a dream that clearly indicatedhis intentions of becoming a priest. Mama Margaretunderstood this dream and set out to educate her sonand prepare him for First Holy Communio... ...ready does exist, but we haventtaken notice yet. I have to admit that mothers seemto have this ability to champion when we are about to getinto trouble whether we know it or not. Needless to say, John Bosco worked tirelessly for hisboys. A doctor had commented that his body seemedlike that of a much older man. Perhaps that wasbecause John Bosco never refused a request from anyonein need. He gave generously of his time, his energy,and his wisdom. He died on January 31, 1888 and wascanonized in 1934.While class period this book I could not help but recognizethe similarities between John Boscos Or atories andour school. There is clearly a feeling of brotherhoodamong the students at Don Bosco Prep. I remember howwe all laughed during orientation when we were toldabout this feeling of brotherhood, but all of us nowagree that it exists. We are led by the good exampleof our teachers and priests, are made to follow a codeof discipline, and are provided academic and religiousinstruction. It is an atmosphere that guides us inchoosing between dependable and wrong and hopefully givesus confidence and faith in the power of our own goodexample. The work of Saint John Bosco continues

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